
Field-zone specific seeding to save costs and achieve higher yields.

Differences in soil characteristics and field elevation have strong influence on the germination rate and yield potential of each field zone. By analyzing all available data for each field zone – e.g. historical biomass averages, yield-, soil-, and elevation maps – as well as by creating variable seeding maps ready for most terminals, FIELD MANAGER makes it easy to optimize the seeding density for your field zones.

xarvio Seeding benefits at a glance

  • Optimized seeding density, in high potential field zones, results in higher yields
  • In low performing field zones you can save seeds, reduce plant stress and increase yield.
  • Variable seeding maps ready for most terminals to adjust seeding density easily
  • Seeding maps are based on the yield potential of each field zone, e.g. by analyzing historical biomass distribution, yield-, soil- and elevation maps
  • Management zones can be included in Seeding, Nutrition & Crop Protection maps, e.g. buffer or biodiversity zones
  • Maps can be adjusted manually at any time
  • Easy upload of as applied maps for documentation and detailed analysis of results throughout the season
  • NEW - Create seeding maps for multiple fields in one go!